Session Prices

Portrait Session $100.00
{1-2 Individuals} Sessions are approximately 1-2 hours long on location. The session includes 10 edited images and all pictures taken on a CD with a copyright release.
(This includes birthday parties and special events)

Family Session- $150.00
{Up to 5 Individuals} Sessions are approximately 1-2 hours long on location. The session includes 10 edited images on a CD with a copyright release. Additional individuals can be added for $10.00 per person.

{Bella Package} $500 Coverage includes all day of wedding or as long as you want. Package includes 300-500 pictures on a CD including copyright release. 

{Dolce Bella}  $700 Includes save the date/engagement pictures in a 1-2 hours session and all day coverage on the day of the wedding. Package includes 400-600 images on a CD including copyright release. Also includes 30-50 printed images in a photo book.

If you have questions please contact me at [email protected]